(Vegetation Species Composition of Post-Mining Land Of C Excavation In KHDTK
Labanan, Berau District)
M. Fajri1* dan/and R. Garsetiasih2
1Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ekosistem Hutan Dipterokarpa, Jl. A.W. Syahranie No.68 Sempaja,
Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia Telp. (0541) 206364, Fax. (0541) 742298
2Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Jl. Gunung Batu No. 5 Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Tlp. (0251)
8633234; Fax (0251) 8638111
Post-mining land usually impaired after the end of mining completions, so required rehabilitation works. To do rehabilitation, the initial vegetation data is needed. This study aims to obtain data and information on naturally occurring vegetation, diversity level, and habitat conditions in plots of rehabilitation of post-mining land of excavated material of class C. The research was conducted in KHDTK Labanan, Berau District, East Kalimantan Province. Vegetation data collection was carried out at the level of trees, poles, saplings,and seedlings. Vegetation analysis was used to calculate the Important Value Index (IVI), the Shannon-Wiener Index were used to calculate diversity index, microclimate conditions were analyzed quantitatively descriptively, land topography conditions were illustrated using ArcView 10.2 software. The results showed the highest IVI of seedlings, sapling, pole,
and tree were Leea guineensis G. Don (36.65%), Piper aduncum (86.23%), Piper aduncum (90.09%), and Ficus sp (148.29%) respectively. The completed vegetation structure from seedling up to tree level with a middle diversity index of the pioneer species bring a positive impact for better microclimate conditions and improves soil quality and productivity at post-mining land of class C.
and tree were Leea guineensis G. Don (36.65%), Piper aduncum (86.23%), Piper aduncum (90.09%), and Ficus sp (148.29%) respectively. The completed vegetation structure from seedling up to tree level with a middle diversity index of the pioneer species bring a positive impact for better microclimate conditions and improves soil quality and productivity at post-mining land of class C.
Keywords: Vegetation, species composition, post-mining land
Lahan pasca tambang biasanya mengalami kerusakan setelah berakhir kegiatan penambangan, sehingga dibutuhkan upaya rehabilitasi. Dalam upaya rehabilitasi dibutuhkan data vegetasi awal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi mengenai vegetasi yang tumbuh secara alami, tingkat keragaman dan kondisi habitat pada lahan pasca tambang bahan galian C. Penelitian dilakukan di KHDTK Labanan Kabupaten Berau, Kaltim. Pengambilan data vegetasi dilakukan pada tingkat pohon, tiang, pancang, dan semai. Analisis vegetasi menggunakan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP), keragaman menggunakan Indeks Shannon-Wiener, kondisi iklim mikro dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif, kondisi topografi lahan menggunakan software ArcView 10.2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat INP tertinggi semai yaitu jenis Leea guineensis G. Don (36,65%), tingkat pancang Piper aduncum (86,23%), tingkat tiang Piper aduncum (90,09%), tingkat pohon Ficus sp (148,29%). Struktur vegetasi jenis pionir yang lengkap dari tingkat semai sampai dengan pohon dengan keragaman yang sedang memberi dampak positif bagi kondisi iklim mikro menjadi lebih baik dan meningkatkan kualitas dan produktifitas tanah pada lahan pasca tambang galian C.
Kata kunci: Vegetasi, komposisijenis, lahan pasca tambang
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